Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program

The Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program is an incentive program to provide grants in order to reduce emissions of oxides of nitrogen, particulate matter (PM10), and reactive organic compounds in the State from sources of air pollution, such as heavy-duty and light-duty diesel vehicles, off-road construction equipment, marine vessels and agricultural sources of pollution, by measures such as replacement of engines with cleaner-than-required engines or installation of emission reduction equipment.

In February 2011, Colinas Farming Company submitted its application to the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (“BAAQMD”) to participate in the aforementioned Carl Moyer Program. Below are photos of our old off-road equipment used.

The California Air Resources Board (“CARB”), which oversees and administers the Program, has adopted guidelines and criteria for the Program’s implementation and subsequent CARB advisories issued for the Program. The Air District implements the Program in the San Francisco Bay Area air basin in accordance with the CARB Program Guidelines and the criteria and guidelines of the Air District.

The Air District determined that Colinas Farming Company had proposed a project to install Equipment that is eligible for Program funding and meets the CARB Program Guidelines and the Air District’s criteria and guidelines, including cost-effectiveness requirements.

On May 4, 2011, the Board of Directors of the Air District approved the Air District’s recommendations to enter into an Agreement with Colinas Farming Company to implement the Project.

On July 5, 2011, BAAQMD and Colinas Farming Company entered into a Grant Agreement No. 12MOY80. The Air District awarded Colinas Farming Company a Carl Moyer Program Grant for a project to reduce emissions by replacing five pieces of off-road equipment. Colinas Farming Company must implement the Project in accordance with the terms belonging to Colinas Farming Company and conditions of the Agreement include maintaining the Project equipment according to manufacturer’s specifications throughout the Project Term.

Below are photos of the new and funded off-road equipment.